


How could Rhinophalt® benefit you?

Watch the video and we'll explain all

  • 可以处理任何状况尚可的沥青路面,这指的是1-2年后会需要反应性养护的路面,然后在5年和10年后再次进行表面处理,这样可以将路面的使用寿命延长15年
  • 雷诺锋是英国乃至世界范围内值得客户信赖,具有独创性的高质量路面保护系统
  • 其成本只有重新铺设路面的一半,但是确可以将路面使用寿命延长一倍
  • 与重新铺设路面相比,可降低碳排放90%以上。
  • 保存、保护并延长沥青路面使用寿命,经科学验证,雷诺锋可以承受所有极端气候环境。
  • 使用雷诺锋材料之后,任然可以在路面寿命周期内使用其他养路方法。雷诺锋可以更长期地将正常和较差的路面保持在良好状况。
  • 减少反应性维护,减少路面坑洼,从而减少索赔。
  • 每晚每班可处理多大30,000平方米的路面,这意味着养路工人可进行‘隐形’施工。
  • 符合《公路工程规范》第950条的要求,并具有HAPAS(公路局认可产品)证书和CE标志。


Hangzhou Bay Bridge, China

One of the masterpieces of modern architecture, the Hangzhou Bay Bridge has been opened to the public since May 2008. The £840 million (US$1.5 billion) bridge, measuring 36 km, spans Hangzhou Bay to link China’s financial hub in Shanghai and the port city of Ningbo to the south.

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Our Latest Insight

ASI achieves ARRB TIPES Certification in Australia

The successful completion of the Sydney Airport runway 07/25 project in May 2019, was the trigger for Downer to submit Rhinophalt for ARRB TIPES Certification, which has now been successfully achieved.

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ASI Solutions signs exclusive new supplier agreement with Jobling Purser for production of Rhinophalt

At a time when there is uncertainty surrounding highways budgets but a greater desire for authorities to become more sustainable in their approach to preventative maintenance, remember that Rhinophalt asphalt preservation offers more than 90% carbon savings compared to more traditional methods such as resurfacing.

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Over the last few year's our asphalt preservation webinars have given several local authorities and other organisations a true insight into the benefits of Rhinophalt®, asphalt preservation in the UK and around the globe.

The webinars go into detail about why preservation is important and the benefits of using Rhinophalt®, they explain the simple and cost-effective application process and why it is important to use a trusted, original and authentic source of asphalt preservation.

Interested in a FREE webinar on the benefits of preservation?


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