
公路网络对于一个国家的经济发展至关重要。 桥梁和城市高架桥在一个国家的交通基础设施中占很大比例。 随着交通流量的不断增长,大桥路面承受的压力再创新高。



雷诺锋可以更好地保护沥青层,延长路面的使用寿命,是目前最为环保的路面养护系统之一。 雷诺锋材料可以将路面使用寿命延长一倍以上,这不仅可以减少需要重新铺设路面的次数,还减少了路面破坏之后的反应性维护成本。延长路面的使用寿命意味着节省了宝贵的矿产资源和化石燃料粘合剂的使用,从而实现了对环境的保护。

ASI’s innovative product range offers cost effective, proven, long lasting maintenance solutions to bridge owners and highway asset managers with the original, authentic and trusted source of asphalt preservation in the UK and around the world.


  • ASI为桥梁局等资产管理单位提供了可持续的维护和延长桥梁以及高架桥沥青路面寿命的解决方案。
  • 延长昂贵资产的使用寿命
  • 避免了重新铺设路面的高昂费用
  • 快速的施工流程,而且可以在夜间作业
  • 将桥梁关闭时间降至最低。增加抗渗性,增强结构的防水性,减少维护施工对环境的影响
  • 几乎不增加结构重量

Technical & Safety Document

Your Rhinophalt® Journey begins here

Over the last few year's our asphalt preservation webinars have given several local authorities and other organisations a true insight into the benefits of Rhinophalt®, asphalt preservation in the UK and around the globe.

The webinars go into detail about why preservation is important and the benefits of using Rhinophalt®, they explain the simple and cost-effective application process and why it is important to use a trusted, original and authentic source of asphalt preservation.

Interested in a FREE webinar on the benefits of preservation?


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